Privacy Policy for Rise of BD Apps


Thank you for downloading applications from Rise of BD Apps. It is the policy of Rise of BD Apps to respect your privacy, and the privacy of all users of our applications. This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) has been established to help you understand our commitment to protecting your privacy, and the steps we take to ensure it. This Policy was last modified on July 25th, 2018. Rise of BD Apps reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to modify the Policy.

Your privacy is very important to us and we want you to know everything we do and don’t do with the information you provide. Our guiding principle is that any information we collect from you will be treated with the utmost care and respect, and every effort will be made to ensure the information is kept private.

For purposes of the Policy, “Application” refers to any Android apps, such as Pencil Sketch - Sketch Photo Maker & Photo Editor, as the case may be. Application also includes any Application updates and upgrades that Rise of BD apps may provide to you or make available to you, or that you obtain after the date you obtain your initial copy of the Application, to the extent that such items are not accompanied by a separate Privacy Policy.

Where the present Policy refers to Rise of BD Apps, it may refer to the Application or Rise of BD Apps or both, depending on the context.

BY INSTALLING, USING OR ACCESSING THE APPLICATION, YOU HEREBY ACCEPT THE POLICY WITHOUT QUALIFICATION. You have also explicitly accepted the Terms and Privacy Policy following your installation of the Application and launch of the Application for the first time. If you do not agree to this Policy, do not use or access the Application, and delete it from the device on which the Application was installed (the “Device”).

If you have any questions about the Policy, please contact:

No Collection of Personal Information

Rise of BD Apps does NOT gather any of your personal information while you are using the Application. Under no circumstances does Rise of BD Apps collect, download or otherwise make copies of any images you make using our photography application. Any reference to information in the present Policy does not include images/photos or any personal information about you.

Limited Gathering of Information for Statistical Purposes

Where you have downloaded applications from Rise of BD Apps, Rise of BD Apps may automatically collect certain information using third-party SDKs to help us understand how our users use the Application, but none of this information identifies you personally.

Rise of BD Apps may use Google Firebase Analytics (see or Facebook Analytics ( see to collect such information, and all the statistical information collected from these analytics services is non-personally identifiable information only.

Non-disclosure of Information Except as provided in the following paragraph and following section, Rise of BD Apps does not divulge any information gathered via the Application to third parties. Moreover, Rise of BD Apps does not sell any information regarding its Application users. Only the developers of Rise of BD Apps applications are responsible for the management and development of the Application, and only these individuals have access to the information collected therefrom. These developers all have been instructed to comply with the Policy.

Notwithstanding anything in the Policy to the contrary, we may share any information we have collected about you or that you have submitted: (1) in response to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish, protect, or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims or demands; (2) if we believe it is necessary in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, fraud, or situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person; (3) if we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding situations that involve abuse of the Application infrastructure, the Internet in general, or any telecommunications service in general; (4) to a parent company, subsidiaries, joint ventures, or other companies under common control with Rise of BD Apps (in which case we will require such entities to honour this Policy); and (5) if Rise of BD Apps is acquired by or merged with another entity (in which case we will require such entity to assume our obligations under this Policy).

Third-Party Advertisements Where you have downloaded our free applications, they use Google and / or Facebook, a third party vendor, to serve advertisements in the Application, using the AdMob system (see and / or Facebook Audience Network(see By using the Application, you consent to the delivery of these advertisements and any data collected by Google and Facebook, as per the Privacy Policy of AdMob/Firebase SDK (found at and Data Policy of Facebook (found Moreover, in order to follow the requirements of the EU ePrivacy Directive and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Consent SDK ( has been integrated into our applications to request consent from European users.

Risks Associated with the Internet or Wireless Data Transmission Despite Rise of BD Apps efforts to ensure third parties will not access or obtain your personal information through the Application, complete confidentiality and security cannot currently be guaranteed on the Internet and / or where data is transferred via wireless digital technology of any type. Communication in this manner is subject to interception, loss, or alteration. You acknowledge and agree that Rise of BD Apps cannot be held responsible for damages resulting from the transmission of information in this manner and that such communications are at your own risk.

Limitation of Liability Rise of BD Apps, and / or its respective officers, directors, owners, officials, partners, partnerships, principals, employees, affiliates and other related entities, servants, agents, representatives, successors and assigns, will not be held liable for any damages resulting from the misuse of any information collected through the Application by any third party, or any misuse of any information collected through the Application not in violation of the Policy.

© 2018 Rise of BD